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about lightscribers about lightscribers your comments

lightscribers is the photography annex of srishtisandhan. it has been formed with the mission to promote creative photography and spread interest in this form of art.

srishtisandhan ( started its journey in 2003 with one particular aim - to collect and showcase the treasure-trove of creations from both known and little known writers who have published their works in various little magazines in bengal to a much larger and global reader-ship. through this initiative, we have been successful in collecting some priceless gems in bengali literature, art, photographs and music. we are continually and tirelessly collecting newer magazines and will continue to do so.
recently srishtisandhan found its own home in a new address in new town, kolkata and with that, it has started to expand its footprints further. following is a list of some of the new activities that we are conducting from our new facility.

the srishtisandhan academy is promoting creativity and education amongst the children to help kids to explore and nurture their creative talents. we are grateful to the volunteers who are helping us out in this.
lightscribers, the photography wing of srishtisandhan will organize a photography course for the photo enthusiasts under the guidance of renowned photographers.

lightscribers has a fully equipped exhibition hall for individual and group shows. artists and photographers willing to showcase their creations are most ardently invited to hold their shows in our exhibition hall.

lightscribers is also providing its seminar hall for the workshops, seminars, cultural events to be organized by interested groups.

this facility would also be a one stop library for the rich collection of little magazines accumulated over the past years. new issues of little magazines would also be available here for viewing and sale.

your valuable feedback will help us improve in future. please let us know what you think about us and our initiatives. you can also write to us in case you have any queries. we will surely get back to you at the earliest.


you may also contact us on the following details

address: ak 71, street no 1, new town, kolkata, wb, india, pin 700156
  debiprasad mukherjee
+91 9830318394 |

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