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promoting visual literacy through the language of photography

the word "photography" evolved based on the greek word (phos), meaning "light", and (graph�), meaning �drawing, scribing�.
as lightscribers, we are scribing our stories with light.
lightscribers is the photography annex of srishtisandhan.
it has been formed with the mission to promote visual literacy through the language of photography.

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book release
the stars are his bones

a photo-haiku portfolio by debiprasad mukherjee with a garland of upanishadic texts arranged as haiku by gabriel rosenstock

published by cross-cultural communications
merrick, new york, noverber 2021

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the stars are his bones

this is an indo-irish project as photographer debiprasad and poet litt�rateur gabriel rosenstock have combined their creative forces to produce an atmospheric photo-haiku monograph infused with the wisdom of upanishadic extracts. the harmonious interplay of sublimated form of poetry as 'found haiku' with the synthetic narrative of the images created the magic.

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photo-haiku portfolio by debiprasad & gabriel
[selected works from the book]

cries & whispers

this venture is an assemble of fragmented poetic images of constantly changing personal journey undertaken by a poet and a photographer on a gloomy track. the spontaneity of life is still compelling, where the overriding impression of love is not missing in the pandemonium of the city of joy spelt out in the sarcasm of metropolis.

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damodar a riverscape

landscape photo-documentary & fragmented chronicle of a little-known river by photo artist bhaskar and text author apratim.

published by cross-cultural communications, new york
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from this cauldron, over the course of time, the river has woven out its own stories. stories that are nested within its geographical and natural contours and yet stories that eventually spin beyond their origins. this collection is a short segment of such diverse, fragmented, and often unexplored stories have evolved over time, metamorphosed, and eventually created a chronicle of the river.

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a kaleidoscope called kiev

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