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10/12/2023 04h24 Atualizado 10/12/2023

Eliana piscou e os festejados 50 anos em 2023 viraram 51, assim, do nada, em 2023. Uma passagem apenas. Mal deu tempo de sentir. � que a apresentadora gostou desse lugar. O avan�ar do calend�rio n�o a faz sofrer. Pelo contr�rio. O que pode ser, e quase sempre �, uma tormenta para muitos, para ela tem sido uma fase de aprendizados, conclus�es e descobertas. Como a da sexualidade mais latente, da maternidade vista de outro �ngulo, dos afetos verdadeiros, da busca pelo novo e da finitude.

Especial dos 50 anos de Ang�lica re�ne duas ex-namoradas de Luciano Huck; relembreMara Maravilha se manifesta sobre reuni�o de Xuxa, Ang�lica e Eliana na Globo: 'N�o sou Paquita'

�Eu quis muito comemorar meus 50 e quero comemorar os outros que vierem. Estou me sentindo inteira, mais experiente, feliz com minha profiss�o, com minha fam�lia, com o que vivi at� aqui e ainda posso viver. Tenho tanto a construir ainda, e com sa�de para fazer mais e mais. Acho que a passagem de um ano para o outro foi leve, nem senti, justamente por isso. N�o estou contando os anos, mas somando mais vida a eles�, avalia.

A Eliana de 20 anos atr�s era�

�Uma menina que tinha deixado a adolesc�ncia de lado para trabalhar e correr atr�s do seu sonho de ser artista. Muito regrada e focada, mas tamb�m um pouco insegura. Nem todas as minhas apostas eram acertadas nessa �poca, mas quase sempre rendiam aprendizados�.

A palavra menopausa causa a sensa��o de�

�Ainda n�o entrei no climat�rio, mas diria que a palavra sobre isso �: naturalidade. � isso. Acho importante tratarmos desses temas, que s�o da nossa sa�de, com naturalidade. At� porque s�o processos que muitas de n�s enfrentamos, ent�o a troca de experi�ncias na nossa rede de apoio � super importante nesses momentos�.

Meu casamento �...

�Meu casamento representa parceria e companheirismo. � um dos meus portos seguros (Eliana � casada h� oito anos com o diretor Adriano Ricco)�.

O sexo na �meia idade� � t�o...

�Mais legal! O avan�ar da idade me trouxe mudan�as na forma com que lido com a sexualidade. Atualmente, me sinto mais bem resolvida comigo mesma, meu corpo e minha autoconfian�a. Acho que o sexo s� melhora quando todos esses elementos est�o alinhados. As preliminares ficam mais interessantes, a qualidade vence a quantidade e cada pequeno detalhe faz a diferen�a. As coisas ganham mais cor, sabe? Isso tem muito a ver com o avan�o das pautas feministas, eu diria. Hoje temos acesso a discuss�es e debates superlegais, que nos empoderam, e que n�o eram t�o comuns l� nos meus 20 e poucos anos. Hoje, com a sabedoria dos 50, consigo exercitar mais minha autoestima. A vida e o sexo s� melhoram a partir da�. L� no programa �Eliana�, por exemplo, um dos nossos quadros mais longevos � o �Beleza renovada�, exatamente pela pot�ncia que enxergo em mulheres amando a si mesmas�.

Na minha carreira eu quero chegar...

�A novos desafios sempre. Amo meu of�cio. Muitas vezes � minha v�lvula de escape assim como fazer ioga. Quando estou no palco � o meu momento de relaxamento. Me comunicar e ser ouvida � incr�vel. Nunca tive ese momento de querer parar. O que fa�o com frequ�ncia � estar intensamente com meus filhos nas f�rias, fins de semana. A�, sim, n�o penso em trabalho�.

A maternidade veio na hora...

�Certa. Trabalhei com crian�as durante 16 anos, me descobri como mulher, sempre gostei muito de crian�a, sabia que uma hora isso ia aflorar em mim. Aos 36 anos, o desejo aumentou, e estava num hora boa, psicologicamente falando, era um solo seguro e f�rtil. Arthur (12 anos) chegou na minha vida quando eu tinha 38 anos, foi muito bem-vindo, planejado. A Manuela (6 anos) veio quando eu tinha 44. Tive um aborto antes, achei que n�o fosse engravidar mais, meu marido n�o tinha filhos e eu disse: �segue seu caminho porque aqui n�o vai rolar�. E ele disse que independentemente disso, me amava e queria ficar. Ele me fez me sentir mais forte, mais segura na rela��o, e, tr�s meses depois, engravidei. Foi de maneira leve, natural, por�m, a gesta��o foi complicada, tive que ficar cinco meses fora do meu trabalho. Foi muito dif�cil da maneira que foi e eu precisava salvar a minha filha. A f� que eu tenho, sou devota de Nossa Senhora, foi muito importante. Levei minha filha at� ela e pedi que a ajudasse a sobreviver�.

Eu serei uma sogra...

�Acho que bacana. Estou preparada porque eu quero ver meus filhos felizes e vivendo o que acho mais lindo numa adolesc�ncia, que s�o as decobertas. Tive que ser emancipada porque viajava com o grupo As Patotinhas, cantando aos 14 anos, aos 16 comecei apresentando programas, e sempre namorando s�rio. Quando voc� namora, voc� se conhece melhor, descobre coisas sobre si mesmo. Eu sou uma m�e que curte ver os filhos se descobrindo. Sempre criei o Arthur para ser um rapaz que respeite as meninas, que entenda as rela��es e relacionamentos. Na minha �poca, namorar me deu a ideia de rela��o a dois de muito amor e respeito, foi o in�cio de uma jornada menina/mulher. Lembro muito de me conhecer como mulher, o primeiro beijo, a primeira vez, tudo isso me formou a mulher que sou hoje. Ent�o quero v�-los felizes no amor. Claro, eu sou uma leoa. Se n�o cuidar bem deles, estarei por perto, sempre muito atenta�.

Quero ensinar minha filha...

�A Manu vai ser uma mulher muito determinada porque j� demonstra que sabe o que quer. Tudo o que aprendi com a minha av�, minha m�e tamb�m e venho aprendendo com ela. A Manu me ensina com a do�ura dela, com seus n�os... A vida l� fora n�o � f�cil para as mulheres. Vou deix�-la se posicionar, estimular isso. Quero que ela seja forte, porque ela vai precisar disso na vida dela�.

Envelhecer � um grande�

�Presente! Eu at� costumo comentar sobre isso com a minha m�e. Que alegria deve ser ela poder assistir �s filhas dela crescerem e prosperarem� E agora ela tem tamb�m os netos em volta. Como m�e, diria que esse � um dos meus sonhos, sabe?�.

A Eliana de 70 anos ser�

�Muito feliz de ver seus filhos crescidos e felizes, se Deus quiser! Quero ainda estar na ativa, no meu of�cio de comunicadora, transmitindo informa��o e entretenimento. Mas quem sabe num formato diferente... N�o sei. Sem pensar no col�geno ou nas press�es est�ticas, quero estar viva, feliz, trabalhando e rodeada pela fam�lia. O futuro pra mim � esse�.

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    Limbo Crypto Casino Game 2024

    Peter Schmidt 6 min read

    Limbo FactsR$500 Bonus Play at Stake Min. Bet: Any decimal above 0.00 Max. Bet: None Max. Win: 1 million x your bet size Free Spins: Free Play: More Less

    When most people hear the term limbo, it is a toss-up as to what they think first. Is it the uncertain state � like being left in limbo when a date suddenly disappears, or the happier version, being the world famous party game? You know the one, in which everyone lines up behind a stick, then leaning back dance their way through, one by one, until the player who can manage the lowest backbend to clear the stick without touching the ground, ultimately wins.

    Well, we're not talking about either of those two here, though the philosophical amongst us can surely draw some correlations to the first, and even the less erudite can see some clear links to the latter. So what are we talking about then?

    What this review is about is the limbo casino game, which has popped up at some of the best crypto casinos around.

    Exceptionally simple, yet highly engaging, online Limbo Game is ideal for players of all budgets and appetite risks. You can bet really small or go for wins of up to 1,000,000 (that's 1 million!) times your wager.

    And since there is no maximum bet, the amount you can win is technically unlimited, and since this is a crypto game we're talking about - like BTC gambling - this means the prize potential is absolutely enormous.

    For all the details on where to play and how to play, keep reading this complete Limbo game review.

    Best Limbo Casino

    Best Casinos to Play Limbo Crypto Game

    There are a number of online casinos where you can play Limbo. Most of them have their own proprietary version of the game, in the same way that crypto casinos develop original games like Plinko and Hi Lo.

    While the interface differs slightly among the Stake and versions, the mechanics and goal are ultimately the same. This means you'll get equally good limbo play at any of our recommended crypto casinos.

    Top Limbo Casino with its Own Software:

    Other Recommended Casinos for Playing Limbo

    How to Play Limbo Online

    Like we said, since Limbo is an original game developed for the most part in-house by each crypto casino, there are slight differences between the different versions.

    That being said, the emphasis in the prior sentence is on "slight". While the graphics and terminology may vary a bit depending on which site you are playing at, the gameplay and the ultimate goal are essentially the same. So how does it work?

    In a way, the goal is sort of similar to the party game limbo. And here's how.

    Basically, you are gambling on what number will appear on screen, and hoping that the number you chose is lower. So like party limbo, you're trying to get in under the line.

    This is a completely random form of gambling, like guessing if the next car that passes by will be blue or green. Or in casino terms, perhaps the most relevant comparison would be a bet on the roulette wheel - because there is literally no way of knowing what number or color the ball will land on. So there's no strategy in play, though you can develop a bit of Limbo betting strategy, which we'll get into in a bit.

    We have chosen a multiplier of 2X for our bets on StakeMoreLess

    So now that we understand the goal of the game, the question is:

    How does Limbo betting work?

    What you do is bet an amount in the cryptocurrency you're using, for example, Bitcoin.

    You then select what is called your 'Target Multiplier' at Stake, or something similar if you're playing elsewhere. This target is the number you will need to match or be below in order to win. That is, you need your target number to fit in under the number that will randomly appear on screen. If you win, you will receive the amount listed in the 'Profit on Win' box. How much you will win for your multiplier is a matter of probability. And you will see that listed in the 'Win Chance' box.

    So say you have a target multiplier of 2X. That and any number above equals a winning round. Your 'Win Chance' will be 49.5% � this is automatically calculated and shown by the system, and how much you can win on each bet, is of course dependent on how much you bet.

    Over all, Limbo is a super high variance game with an extremely wide range of potential outcomes between bets. And this obviously needs to be taken into account as you proceed to bet. Especially when you consider your personal gambling budget and intentions for long-term strategy and play.

    The lowest multiplier, and therefore the one with the best odds is 1.01X. This will give you a 98.01980198% chance of winning. Just keep in mind that the profit for such a win is duly adjusted to suit the high odds. However, if you bet a huge amount of Bitcoin, even that small profit could be quite big.

    The highest multiplier, and therefore the one with the lowest probability of a win is 1,000,000X. So while the odds are extremely low here, if you do manage to beat them, you could become very rich. That is because of the lack of betting limitations, there is no cap on the maximum win when playing Limbo. This potential for unlimited wins, needless to say is a big part of this game's great appeal and it's why so many crypto gamblers can be found raving about it online.

    Limbo version on the BC.Game CasinoMoreLess

    Are There Any Limbo Streamers Out There?

    As mentioned, there are a number of select online casinos with their own Limbo games. But in our opinion, Stake casino is probably the best bet, as its version is as stellar as its overall offering.

    Stake also has some pretty great streamers touting its games online. But although the famous Stake streamers like Trainwreckstv have helped make Plinko an international hit, neither he nor other big names in casino streaming like ClassyBeef or Roshtein have yet to give Limbo its moment in the sun.

    Which is too bad, because we're sure they could do a terrific job of demonstrating its appeal, and would on the personal front, happen to love the potential for high stakes and equally big thrills. After all, the unlimited winning potential of Limbo is the stuff that awesome entertainment is made of - and these guys' fans would go crazy seeing that happen!

    Limbo Game Features

    Playing Limbo is extremely straightforward. And frankly, it's actually kind of fun just setting different 'Target Multipliers' to see how much you could potentially win, even before you launch your bet.

    In fact, this is pretty much the highlight of the game. Big wins. Simple play. There is no need for any other bells and whistles to draw your attention. Still, there are some minor features to point out.

    So let's start with what Limbo doesn't have:

    Obviously, here are no Limbo bonus rounds. However, there are a number of small things you can do to adjust your game experience, like for example, choosing whether to play with the volume on or off. Some people like it, while others find it distracting.

    You can also use any of the following features to make your Limbo play even easier than it already is:

    Auto play/ Auto mode

    In addition to automatically issuing bets for a fixed number of rounds, this feature can be set to increase your bet amount on either a loss or a win. You can also opt to stop the auto bet running once you reach a certain profit amount, or loss sum, which is a nice way to set yourself goals, and keep some control.

    Hot keys

    When enabled, hot keys are a neat tool to quickly make your bets based on keyboard commands.

    At Stake, hot keys make betting decisions quick and easy, with a push of a single key.MoreLess

    Max bet

    This one's intuitive enough. Just make sure you have enough money in your account to be able to complete it. You'll need to be a serious high roller if you want to go for this.

    Is Limbo a Provably Fair Game?

    Like all games at reputable crypto casinos (i.e. those that are licensed and regulated) Limbo is a provably fair game.

    A rather complicated algorithm is used to achieve completely random results, and because this is crypto gambling, it is something that is viewable to you as a player.

    On Stake Limbo, for example, there is a link labelled 'Fairness' which you can click on to see all of the details including the client seed, server seed, nonce, and ultimately the complete calculation breakdown.

    You can also use what is called the hash to verify the fairness of the game for yourself on the blockchain. Though, we should point out, it will require patience and familiarity with numbers to make sense of it all. Or you can take our word for it, that the Limbo RNG is super high functioning. And all of the games are 100% random in their outcome, which in other words means fair.

    Limbo - Crypto Game FAQs

    1.) Where can I play Limbo for free?

    We are always happy to recommend crypto casinos where you can play games for free - and they do exist - you can find a Limbo demo mode on minimum bet amount is so low, you can give it a try for marginal stakes. Also, there are Limbo videos out there that walk you through the game if you want an even clearer picture as to how the Limbo betting and action unfolds. We are always happy to recommend crypto casinos where you can play games for free - and they do exist - you can find aon Stake for example. Especially to those new to the game wanting to get in a few practice rounds first, we recommend trying the demo version first. Alternatively, since the, you can give it a try for marginal stakes. Also, there are Limbo videos out there that walk you through the game if you want an even clearer picture as to how the Limbo betting and action unfolds.

    Back to TOC

    2.) What is the best strategy for playing Limbo?

    Limbo is a game of luck. That means there really is no strategy involved. After all, there is absolutely no way you can predict what number will be called up. That being said there is a fair bit of Limbo strategy involved when it comes to betting. Since you essentially set your odds and the potential payoff level, this is something you need to consider each time. Want high odds and smaller prizes? Go for lower multipliers. Want the biggest wins possible? Then you'll have to be either supremely lucky or have a serious bankroll to really give it a go.

    Back to TOC

    3.) What is the best version of Limbo and where can I find it?

    Limbo is a rather niche game. That is, you can only find it at select crypto casinos. While the list above doesn't necessarily cover them all, these leading crypto casinos are a good place to start. In general, while we're partial to the Stake experience, all of the Limbo games are quite similar - using perhaps slightly different terminology or graphics at most.

    So really it is more a matter of which crypto casino you like best overall to help determine your choice. And if you need guidance there, we can tell you to pay attention to the overall game library, bonus offers, bonus structures, and of course, banking policies.

    You can find a Limbo Cat Version on the Bizzo CasinoMoreLess

    Back to TOC

    4.) Do I have to play Limbo with Bitcoin?

    Although Bitcoin is by far the most popular cryptocurrency, and is often used synonymously with the term, it is not the exclusive digital coin accepted for Limbo play.

    Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ripple, TRON, and EOS are just a number of examples of the many cryptocurrencies that you can use to bet on Limbo. Plus, with some crypto casinos working in a hybrid model - that is with both crypto and fiat currencies - you should be able to find places to play Limbo in Canadian dollars, US dollars, or Euros.

    Back to TOC

    5.) Is there a mobile Limbo game?

    Yes, of course. There is a mobile Limbo game. Or more accurately, you can play Limbo from any mobile device including your smartphone or tablet, whether it's an Android operating system or iOS system that you're using, like Samsung or iPhone respectively. To do so, simply visit the online casino from your mobile browser and log in from there to play. Mobile Limbo is the exact same game and all of the rules and betting formats are the same as detailed above. The only difference is your screen size.

    Back to TOC

    The Expert Roundup on the Limbo Casino Game

    While the Casino Guide team loves the Limbo game, it is only now growing in popularity. As such, you will not find it at every casino, rather only at select crypto casinos, and the very rare online casino that deals in crypto currencies.

    Hence this Limbo review is a great place to start if you're looking to get in on the game. Which, by the way, for us is an excellent change of pace from slots in particular. The Limbo strategy is not far off, as this is not a skill based game and the potential for wins is actually far higher than even the biggest progressive jackpots.

    That being said, remember that the more you can win, the lower your probabilities. So bet wisely, and enjoy. Because in our expert opinion, it's definitely worth a try.

    Try Limbo at Stake Casino

    More Crypto Games

    Limbo was tested and reviewed by Peter Schmidt I'll admit that I'm a bit of an old hand when it comes to online casinos. I've seen so much of the business that it's practically unmatched. After working with offline casinos for more than two decades, I moved into the online casino industry looking for a new challenge. Distinguishing a good casino from a bad one is an art, and I am happy to apply my expertise to check and test casino sites to deliver expert casino analyses.

    Author: Peter Schmidt Last Update: 31. May 2024 Article reviewed: Limbo Author Rating: 95%


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